Of Confrontations in Close Relationships and Importance of Honest Communication

Yesterday night I had had a phone conversation with my good friend after about 7 months, and any serious conversation between us had taken place even more than 9 months back. He is still in a committed relationship with the same person he was with nine months back, which in all is around two years […]

Pitfalls of Respect for Tradition

I am writing this post with the ideas that I had held for a long time, but using Shankara’s blog post titled ‘Girl child infanticide in India. The truth behind the evil.’ (click) as an illustrative case in point. Shankara’s basic premise is that because Hindus had traditionally attached divinity with the feminine, respected women […]


I feel contaminated. That tight embrace, that laughter, that pleasure, that mischief in her eye, which I could not see yet sense; that betrayal, which I saw and yet could not look at – all unwelcome, yet all are keeping on returning to me. Why? Why the fuck are they returning? My acquaintance with this […]

Counterintuitive Ideas on Career-Choice

Do not make that you are most passionate about, your source of livelihood That is what I have told many people who I interact with online. A few disclaimers are in order, though. I have not yet practically begun my career, so great portion of my analysis is purely conjectural. Also, the above idea if […]

Ethics in Tangents: Part 1 – Lessons on Inequity of Risks and Benefits

In a lecture on radiation safety, the teacher had veered a bit into the ethics of peaceful uses of nuclear energy. He explained that it has to be ensured that those working at nuclear establishments for larger good of the society (e.g., energy production, diagnosis & treatment in medicine) despite facing risks to health & […]

Freedom of Expression and a Few Hypothetical Situations

In recent times intense debates have raged over the extents to which two almost antagonistic rights should be allowed – freedom of expression against avoiding emotional hurt. Law, as many say, is an ass. Some call justice blind. It would be very tempting to then consider the Judiciary a blind ass, and I used to […]

How Morality is Indispensable to a Social Life

This post had started as a response to one of the comments by Darshan, whose ideas and blog-posts (click) I really enjoy and also recommend to other readers who appreciate critical thinking. The reasons I am publishing this response as a separate blog post are: because the response is too long; I would not like […]

States of Matter. State that matters – An Explanation. And a joke!

This is the explanation for my previous post – States of Matter. State that matters. (click) I do not believe in writing ambiguous posts, especially as part of the reason I write is to know how others and I view the same things differently. I believe, if not most, some people do have reasons for […]

States of Matter. State that matters.

Do not be so fluid. So fluid that you fall into the next empty space. No shape. No place. Existence defined only by gradients of availability. Never able to climb; only fall. You will spread yourself wide. You will spread yourself thin. And before you know it, you will evaporate into nothingness. Do not be […]

Up against “What’s up?”; please help! :(

Long back my parents would ask me to be more graceful in dealing with relatives, e.g., to ask them “tamey kem chho” [Gujarati for “How’re you”?], though it literally means not “how”, but “why are you?”! Isn’t that offending, or at least a deeply existential query? Plus, I used to find it pointless. I’d ask, […]