Why Indian women tend to have more followers over twitter than Indian men?

“Tend to have” more followers? 1. I do not have the supporting data, and it’s just an empirical observation. 2. It surely is a generalization, and simply focusing on outliers would distract from this curious phenomenon. It’s just that I’ve noticed that an average female Indian twitter account has higher follower : following ratio than that […]

What Ails the Indian Economy: An Amateur View

A few Premises Let us start with a few premises (applicable to economies of ‘civilized’ societies): 1. We need goods and services. 2. We get goods and stuff in return of money we pay. 3. (Usually) we get money in return of something we produce (goods and services) that others ‘demand’. 4. Either we must […]

One of the ‘Aam Admis’ Views on Indian Politics

I had started tweeting about this, and thought a slightly more elaborate blog post was in order. Today, my family had traveled to a nearby city in our car, and as nobody in my family is confident enough to drive, we had hired a driver for the purpose. He is not in our regular employment, […]

Ethics in Tangents – Part 5: Do Doctors coming out of Government-Run/Aided Institutes Need to ‘Pay Back’?

This in response to a very narrow aspect of Vidyut’s blog post – Globalization – Brain Drain (click). Expense of education borne by less developed country, while fruits of the person’s service are reaped by developed countries.  Today’s outrage on Twitter was the government making it mandatory for doctors going abroad for further education to […]

In Response to ‘Relation Limbo’ by Khamba

Relationship Limbo (click) is a blog post by G. Khamba, and this post is in response to what he writes and asks there (and it can be taken as actually addressing him). I was unaware of the term ‘relationship limbo’, but I was certainly aware of the phenomenon, the way it is felt in one’s […]

Of Confrontations in Close Relationships and Importance of Honest Communication

Yesterday night I had had a phone conversation with my good friend after about 7 months, and any serious conversation between us had taken place even more than 9 months back. He is still in a committed relationship with the same person he was with nine months back, which in all is around two years […]

Freedom – to the balloon, or to that which it entraps?

A balloon is not a piece of rubber filled with air; it is a closed space filled with virtually infinite numbers of molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, photons and what not, all of them with their own respective direction and momentum, ‘unmindful’ of the direction and momentum of others around. It is all chaos, and we […]

Fukushima Reactors, Nuclear Energy and My Views

Disclosures and disclaimers: 1. There is a mild conflict of interest when it comes to peaceful uses of nuclear energy, because I am training to become a nuclear medicine physician, and a part of my livelihood would depend upon functioning of ‘research’ nuclear reactors (which are much ‘smaller’ compared to nuclear power plants – the […]