Life is the Dance of Existence

Today I was talking with Her on the phone, and She was taking particular pleasure in recounting to me a goof up by someone reeking of sheer incompetence. My laughter did resonate with hers, but somehow I, on that particular occasion, did not feel contemptuous of the person in question. On most occasions I would […]

Of Confrontations in Close Relationships and Importance of Honest Communication

Yesterday night I had had a phone conversation with my good friend after about 7 months, and any serious conversation between us had taken place even more than 9 months back. He is still in a committed relationship with the same person he was with nine months back, which in all is around two years […]

Ethics in Tangents: Part 4 – The God you Believe in is What you are

I will begin this blog post with a small anecdote, if you may. In Shirdi, where I had lived for 9 months during my internship and had gotten pretty intimate with the Trust employees, I came to know that young people, even graduates, were quitting their existing jobs and trying hard to get recruited as […]

Unity in Diversity, eh?

I am not very good at history. Suddenly one day, this is what struck me: The genesis of the Great Indian Mutiny of 1857 lay, not in love and affection for the fellow Indian brethren, but which animal’s fat the cartridges be made of, which were to be used for killing, maiming, threatening, exploiting and […]


The first time I had written this story, it was a cathartic tale. To help me resolve a few issues with myself. I had not written it keeping in mind a specific audience. Neither had I tried to make the narration attractive in any way. Any such concerns would have adulterated the sentiments behind the […]

Discrimination against Women: Possible Reasons

Inspired by a blog post by Rosa Rubicondior here – The Evolution of God (click) I must point out that I am no sociologist or anthropologist, so what follows is absolutely pure speculation. I believe that in every small group, the human attributes that further survival, and thereupon comfort, are coveted. So obviously, those in […]

What I feel could be the Solution to Kashmir Problem

What follows is expanded from a comment I had left on a fellow blogger’s blog post. However, I was having this idea since around last two years. What I am writing here is not based on historical facts or technicalities of what is written in the Indian Constitution, nor on what agreements were made by […]

‘Chanakya’ on Truth and Objectivity

Please note: The Devanagari script used in the following post does not render properly in ‘Chromium’ browser, so I suspect same must be the case with ‘Google Chrome’. This problem was not seen with Mozilla Firefox and Opera browsers. Long back in the years 1991 and 1992, Doordarshan National channel (click) used to telecast a television serial […]

Pitfalls of Respect for Tradition

I am writing this post with the ideas that I had held for a long time, but using Shankara’s blog post titled ‘Girl child infanticide in India. The truth behind the evil.’ (click) as an illustrative case in point. Shankara’s basic premise is that because Hindus had traditionally attached divinity with the feminine, respected women […]