My flirtation with Wikipedia

While I have been keeping very busy, and am unlikely to post anything substantial for some time, I thought, I would provide link to my Wikipedia user page (click) that I had developed after lot of effort without any real knowledge of HTML. Of course back then, I had been able to develop it only […]

Tales of Bruno and Galileo: The art of saying semi-sorry after thinking for REALLY, REALLY LONG! Like, 359 years!

Here is an article dealing with related issues of psychology, some history, arguments for existence of god(s), and their refutation 🙂 Why Atheism? (click) It is easy to understand, devoid of rigorous philosophical jargon, but very lengthy. One horrifying thing was the manner in which Giordano Bruno was executed in 1600 (click) for holding ideas […]

Google God, this is not fair! :(

See, how Google God is misguiding my prospective-readers-and-even-more-prospectively-about-to-turn-followers into believing that my blog is not about what they want to find on the World wide Web! 😦 [CLICK ‘GOOGLE GOD’S VAGARIES’ ON TOP RIGHT OF THIS PAGE.] No wonder, I keep on finding excuses to try to popularize my blog through shrewd, but inefficient means. […]

Extraordinarily Ordinary Post: stretching a ‘dabba’ phone to its limits!

This might be an ordinary-looking post, and the more ordinary it looks, the more extraordinary, in fact it is! I use a simple Java-based phone (click) for web access to e.g., publish many blog-posts and comment on blogs. Today however, I wanted to try Mail2blogger (click), a Blogger-service which enables users to simply email a […]